Hi Roger-
We really miss you on TOH. Wish you lived here in Tucson, AZ. I have lots and lots of questions, but my biggest one is this: How to politely ask/tell the neighbor that they need to trim/thin and take the branch hanging over my fence before the tree splits and falls – possibly killing somebody. Hope you are taking care of yourself – health is most important after 21, you know!
Stay safe. enjoy retirement!
Hi Gil-
Thanks for writing in! Laws about trees and other people’s property vary by state. For example, in Massachusetts if your neighbor’s tree has limbs that encroach on your lawn you have the legal right to have them trimmed without asking their permission. However, I always encourage good communication between neighbors. Also, in Massachusetts if a neighbor’s tree falls onto your lawn is it then considered “your” tree. You should check your local laws regarding this before proceeding.
All of this being said, the quickest way to get this taken care of is to offer to pay for the work. Most people are happy to accommodate a friendly request from their neighbor if it doesn’t cost them anything! Good luck!